Importance of Your Website

Importance of Your Website

Our first few blogs have been addressing the importance of social media tools such as Facebook, videos, and Snap Chat.  By now, you’re beginning to feel like a social media professional.  You’ve learned ways to get your name, company, non-profit, or product out there.  People recognize the name.  You’re turning heads.  Now what?

Since this is a blog and not a video, you cannot see the raised eyebrow or hear the long, silent pause.  But, trust me, it’s there.

Now you have to do some soul-searching to ask yourself what ARE you, what DO you stand for, what CAN your product do for the consumer?  They know the name, now let them know just WHO you are.  You do this through websites.  You have to have a website that allows the consumer to peek behind the curtain to see what you’re all about.  You have to have a website to follow the statement “For more information go to www.     “.  

Websites give the consumer a look at the person or organization’s history:  HOW you got started, WHY you got started.

Websites identify other products or services under your organization’s umbrella.  Your company not only offers X but also Y and Z.  If they like X, then they are going to be interested in finding out more about Y and Z.

Websites offer a venue for customer testimonials and for company contact and ordering information.  If they like you or your product, they will want to know how to obtain your product or support your cause.

Wow, that’s a big step from SnapChat.  This just may be way over your technological head to achieve.  That’s why there are professionals out there who can do it FOR you.  You can look all trending and social media savvy when you actually can’t manage anything beyond a rotary telephone.  If I have to explain rotary telephones, then  let’s just move on to say that for your website to look professional, let a professional handle it for you.